“The Coaching Filled Me Up in a Way I Wasn't Expecting”

I started working with Milisa after attending one of her Making Room For You Lunches. I loved the community of incredible women in the room. I felt like it was time to invest in myself. I was concerned about my work and wanted to find ways to do what I love and also to balance my life and work. I had been struggling to find the parts of my job that were meaningful to me. Since beginning the coaching I have begun meditating regularly. Even it if it is just five minutes a day, I feel so much calmer. I have also been journaling both on-line and by hand in the journal Milisa gave me at my VIP Retreat Day, which I call my “pink life raft”. On the cover it says “Live What You Love”, which I find so inspiring. I am now more positive, and able to interrupt my negative self-talk in favour of giving myself a gently pat on the back for my accomplishments. I am exercising more regularly, looking for ways to exercise that I really enjoy. The coaching filled me up in a way I wasn’t expecting – so appropriate for a Making Room For You program!

-- Female Lawyer, Toronto


"I Feel Much More Capable and Confident"


Becoming Your Own Best Friend ("OBF")