International Women’s Day Wishes
Wishing you a fierce, tender, and playful International Women’s Day, inspired by my maternal grandmother, Mildred Maclean who would have been 113 years old today, March 8.
She was born in 1911, and died March 9, 2018, one day after her 107th birthday. (IWD was also born in March 1911. 🤩)
My grandmother, or DD as we grandchildren called her, was a force. Among many of her qualities, she was dignified, determined, playful, curious and loving. She inspires me still, every day.
This photo was taken at her 105th birthday party in 2016.
Here’s to Making Room for You and being your version of…
…this International Women’s Day and beyond!
Warmly, Milisa
PS: I’ve written about DD numerous times over the years, for example:
Words from the Wise: Marriage and Parenting
DD is 100 Years Old Today! What’s Her Secret?