From Isolation Into Connection
Have you ever felt terribly lonely and isolated, even as you are surrounded by people who love you, and who you love back?
Do you feel like it’s unsafe to be your biggest self because you will get knocked down by well-meaning advice-givers?
Do you feel it’s unsafe to share your deepest desires with those who are close to you because you fear that they won’t want to spend time with you any more?
Do you feel like you have to keep your guard up at all times – you don’t want people to know that you so often feel like an imposter in your own life?
What would it be like for you to be able to be in a circle of women where it is completely safe and, in fact, you are encouraged, to show up as your biggest self, sharing your deepest desires? Where you don’t have to show as perfect - you can show all of yourself, including your vulnerabilities, and still be embraced?
Can you even imagine this kind of culture could be possible?
I could not - before I experienced it for myself.It turns out I was yearning for this level of connection and culture and didn’t even know it - it was so out of the realm of the possible for me. But when I had an inkling that it might be possible, I jumped in. And my life has not been the same since.
For the third time, I am facilitating a Making Room for You Retreat featuring the Breakthrough 2-Day workshop Unlock Your Power and Manifest Your Vision: Unlocking the Three Centres of Feminine Power. The weekend is a chance to get immersed in this kind of culture and to feel the experience for yourself. It is difficult to adequately describe in words; the value of this experience to me – priceless. And if you are still reading this post, I bet it will have similar value to you. And I want to be clear - It's not about turning away from those we already love and care about. What happens is the opposite - we are able to choose to deepen those relationships as result of being in this culture among women.
This third Retreat is extra special because my “Power Partners”, and fellow coaches and facilitators, Catherine Hansen MD FACOG MPH Integrative Physician and Speaker (from Houston) and Ellie Ballentine MBA MA Psych (from Montreal) will be joining us as participants! We will show you what is possible when women stand for each other’s greatness and the manifestation of our deepest desires, with generosity and a spirit of collaboration. We are all in for each other - we cannot become ourselves by ourselves. And we want this for you too. It is totally possible. We will do our best to model this for you and show you how we are learning to do it. And we look forward to learning from you too! It is a new way of being for all of us. The world really needs us all to be in a culture like this.
Will you join us and come be a part of creating this new culture among women? It is from this place that you can generate the breakthroughs you need to create the life that you have been yearning for, and make the contribution you came here to make.